Friday, May 16, 2008

I used my neti pot twice today. I think twice a day is a good amount for allergy season. I have been pretty lazy lately, and haven't been doing the warm/cold compresses on my face. I was doing the compresses in the morning for a week or two and would then use the neti. My head felt unbelievably good. I will try to get in the habit again this weekend. 
My ears were very unhappy this morning. I have not been doing the eustachian tube exercises because....? I don't know why. They certainly help. One more thing to start this weekend.
My stomach has been feeling okay the last two days. Not great, but okay. Recently, I haven't been eating that great or that frequently. I am going to force myself to make some meals over this looong weekend. I have been noticing some discomfort but I'm not sure where it's coming from. I can usually tell when I'm ovulating, but that shouldn't last for days. It's interesting being able to recognize discomfort in one part of the body when more intense discomfort leaves another part. Maybe I just have gas. 
I have slept well the last two nights. I took nighttime tea the last 2 nights and a cal-mag supplement with some calming herbs. I'm hoping that tonight's sleep is good as well. I have to get up at 4:30 to drive my roommate to the airport shuttle. We'll see how that goes. 

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