Saturday, September 27, 2008

Went to my 3rd bowen appointment on Friday. She mostly worked on my hip/groin area, and my knees. Not the most comfortable thing in the world, but I liked it way more than oil, relaxation, waste of my time and make me bruise massage. At this moment, my lower back hurts. My hips have been grinding and popping quite a bit today. My knees have been a bit sore. On Wednesday, I got motion sickness but it lasted only about 2 hours. Bleeding pain was looking like it was going to kill me. But I only took a total of 2 extra strength advil for the whole day. Not too bad. 

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Last asert treatment done! Audiology test yesterday. My hearing is within the normal range. My right ear is not quite as good as left ear that could result in balance problems. No fluid in the middle ear. She suggested I get more testing done at a balance clinic. Aching in my left shoulder. Some sciatic pain on both legs. Jaw has felt tired and sore since Sunday. Naturopath is going to talk to rmt because I am apparently not good at sharing everything I need to. She is going to warn that I am very sensitive and may need to go slower through the treatments. 

Saturday, September 20, 2008

On Monday, I went for a walk and did a lot of stairs and my knees felt so bad I didn't think I would make it. My hips felt off throughout the walk. Sciatica (or whatever it is) acted up on my left side (usually is on the right). I had a lot of sitting to do that day. Not fun. Stomach has been okay considering I haven't been eating that great and I am feeling stressed. 
I had my second Bowen yesterday. I like it. She did a lot for my hips, pelvis, sciatica whatever. And she did some TMJ stuff. Apparently the jaw and the pelvis are related? I don't think Bowen is going to be a quick answer to all my problems, but I think it will help over time. 
Audiology appointment rebooked for Monday. Last Assert on Tuesday!  

Sunday, September 14, 2008

I tried Bowen massage on Thursday. It has the potential to help with my ear/nausea/motion sickness issues, and with my back pain, and shoulder tightness, and pelvic pain. We'll  see. I have had a million appointments this past year and I have made it to all of them and on time. I went to see the audiologist on Monday, and I was a day early. I had to reschedule it. I cried. I really want to get my ears figured out and I was so sad that I couldn't get it done that day. I will be trying Bowen once a week for the next couple of weeks. I'm hoping for the best.