Monday, August 25, 2008

Saw the doc today. She thinks that I may have benign positional vertigo. Fun. I am going to try Bowen Therapy. You aren't allowed any other therapies while doing Bowen. I am going to miss my chiro. I am not going to miss nausea or oil massages.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Did my first acupuncture treatment today. I am hoping it will help my left ear and my motion-sickness/chronic nausea thing. Next treatment in 2 days, seeing my doctor on Monday to get warts treated and ask what the heck is going on with wanting to vomit all the time. 

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

I got motion sickness last Wednesday and it was awful. I felt a lot better Thursday, but I was unable to sleep that night and was very sick all day. I felt better Saturday and Sunday and then last night I got really sick again and I feel gross today. We'll see how the traveling goes.